Jonathan Velazquez
2 min readMar 28, 2021


The Hood ain’t nothing nice, Everyday we open our eyes, there's conflict in every corner, young black and brown men are being gunned down, or they are subject to grinding, pushing packs trying to make ends meet illegally, so they can pay rent, provide food and maybe make it another day in these treacherous streets. All of them striving for survival, opportunity is scarce, they entered blind folded into a cruel world that they couldn’t truly understand, they yearn to live a life that’s anything but the opposite, but reality is they have to first escape the grasp of a past that haunts them like the boogieman it self. This boogie man is called disenfranchisement, hes been lurking for hundreds of years and has a hex on these ancestral beings souls. With every struggle and heart ache, we have shown resilience and strength as Black and Brown men and women, we have overcome tremendous and unbearable pain, and we still are standing, never can you break our souls, we won’t allow you to, not by you continuing to use us as scapegoats for the drugs that flood our communities or your illegal gains from cornering a market under a false name called Correction Facilities, where we are housed as numbered live stock, no, we won’t continued to be your stock market, or fundraisers. With you using prison as an alternative for keeping us Black and Brown men and women under disguise as prisoners, as we pay to be incarcerated in your facilitated state and local slavery farms.
We come to far to leave ourselves open to more destruction by your hands, which you cowards hide your stained hands behind your backs. You have no soul, no compassion and no heart, not even a face, because you can’t face us and disclose the ugly truth about America, no, but as our Ancestors taught us from the day we unwillingly embarked on a forced journey away from our shores, that we cant be brought, bribe or destroyed. We arrive into a new world, not knowing we had allies withing these islands. Now hundreds of years later we still are fighting along side those ancestral souls that lie within us, they gave us the knowledge and power to continue on the resistance. We Are Tomorrow’s leaders and ancestors of King’s and Queen’s. Men and Women of Beautiful shades Black and Brown Caramelization. Rich in color and made resilient and unbreakable. So to all my Black and Brown brothers and sisters lets continue to stay united, and bring everlasting change to our hoods, ghettos, communities alike and people. Everyday is a day to remember those who fought before us and for us, to have this thunderous voice, and freedom to express and bring change with our positive actions and referendums.
Standing united as one beautiful union, we will bring everlasting change to our people, people of one ideology, Equality!
To all my Black and Brown Family. I love you and appreciate your beautiful color.
Sincerely Jonathan A Velázquez…
A lone Prisoner with a Roar of a Lion!
Free my body, My voice can never be silenced.



Jonathan Velazquez

A man trying to give the world his story, and his views on life.